
  Purple Thistle Flower The thistle flower is a globe shaped flower. It varies from 2-6cm in diameter. The colors of the flower range from a dark pink to a lavender. The flowers are produced … more

Queen Anne’s Lace

  Daucus carota is the scientific name for the common wildflower, Queen Anne’s Lace. It is also know widely known as Wild Carrot. The paradigm of this flower has a large concave bloom made of … more

Wild Astor

The wild aster is an eye catching flowering shrub. This plant varies in size, anywhere between ankle and waist high. It ascends above competing greenery for sunlight. The flowers are mainly white in hue. From a … more


Ashleaf Maple Tree   (Acer negundo) Its common name is Box-Elder. Ashleaf Maple was brought to Europe and other countries. It is a medium-sized tree located at Indigo Lake. This tree was seen along a … more


Striped Ground Cricket: Allonemobius fasciatus . The cricket is more body than legs and is about the size of a fingernail. It has a small set of brown wings, which are used for chirping not … more


skink photographed by Erik Maietta on the Ohio and Erie Canal towpath near North Street in Akron, Ohio

A type of lizard frequently seen by residents of Cascade Village.  Skinks prefer rocky places with cracks where they can hide.  They are very selective about their habitat and it is not common to see … more

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