
(Clematis sp) Also called Virgin’s Bower and Old Man’s Beard. Clematis is a wild flower vine with white flowers that bloom in August. It is found at the northwest part of the streamside forest; northeast … more

Queen Anne’s Lace

  Daucus carota is the scientific name for the common wildflower, Queen Anne’s Lace. It is also know widely known as Wild Carrot. The paradigm of this flower has a large concave bloom made of … more


  Purple Thistle Flower The thistle flower is a globe shaped flower. It varies from 2-6cm in diameter. The colors of the flower range from a dark pink to a lavender. The flowers are produced … more

Wild Astor

The wild aster is an eye catching flowering shrub. This plant varies in size, anywhere between ankle and waist high. It ascends above competing greenery for sunlight. The flowers are mainly white in hue. From a … more

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