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Any tree or shrub of the genus Quercus and of the related genus Lithocarpus. In our park, most often seen as red or white oak, monumental, towering trees of north eastern Ohio. Oak was used … more

Ohio & Erie Canal

Also called the Ohio-Erie Canal or the Ohio Canal. Most canals were named for the two bodies of water they connected. This waterway was built to connect Lake Erie with the Ohio River, allowing water … more

Old Betsy

Canal slang for a jug of whiskey. According to Pearl Nye “once back at Lock 15 a man got too ‘heavy’ at the bar, and taking a jug of whiskey under his arm, walked out … more

Ostrich fern

(Matteuccia struthiopteris) A tall and elegant fern found in the neglected garden plot northwest of the Mustill Store. Its graceful bipinnatifid fronds grow in a circle from an erect rootstock. The sporophylls are pinnate with … more

Overshot Wheel

Used to harness water power. A vertical water wheel the circumference of which is covered with cavities or buckets and is turned by water that shoots over the top, filling the buckets on the farther … more